Day trippers in Brighton
Brighton is a pretty amazing place. But you knew that though, didn’t you?
Eight million people visit Brighton every year. Six and a half million of them are day trippers There is 1 drinking establishment for every 320 people. And Brighton & Hove has over 1,400 licensed premises. (Facts from welovebrighton.com)
Not bad for a little fishing village!
More than that, Brighton has the fourth-best city beach in the world, according to the CNN Travel website. And that makes us better than Barcelona, Miami, and Jumeirah in Dubai! (Brighton and Hove Independent)
Gateway to Brighton’s North Laine
Trafalgar Street is home to The Point and many, many other amazing independent businesses. If you live outside Brighton and Hove and visit by train, to do a spot of Christmas shopping in the North Laine, the best way to get there is via Trafalgar Street.
Also, if you use the train when you visit The Point, you’ll avoid paying expensive parking charges. (You could even afford a glass of wine with the change?!)
Fun fact: Trafalgar Street is so long it has 5 postcodes!
Trafalgar Street Traders’ Association
The Point is super pleased to be part of a new plan to form a Trafalgar Street Traders’ Association.
The traders’ association wants to raise money and support to increase the profile and footfall of Trafalgar Street. It already is the gateway to the North Laine. Now, we want it to become the official gateway to the North Laine from the railway station.
Tunnel of love
Excitingly, the tunnel running under the station onto Trafalgar Street is due to be renovated, too. It’ll be relit, brightened up, and some of the arches will become home to small new retail units. This will raise the profile of the wonderful Toy and Model Museum. We believe that this will make it an even better doorway to one of the most diverse shopping streets in the city.
We’ll update you on the progress of this as it happens!
Come and see us this winter
In the meantime, we can’t wait to welcome you into our cosy Trafalgar Street salon for your festive hair appointment. You will be offered a glass of bubbles in December (or a seasonal cup of Bird and Blend tea if that’s more your ‘bag’). And while you’re here, have a look at all our neighbours’ gorgeous shops. Their Christmas window displays alone are amazing! (Check out Sirene’s window – it’s always amazing!)
If you’re looking for some new threads you can visit:
Sirene Boutique
All About Audrey
Mad Hatters and Friends
If you fancy a spot of vinyl you can do no worse than:
The Wax Factor
Mange Tout
Real Patisserie
Blend & Brew
Coffee @33
Toasted by GB Charcuterie
Milk No Sugar
North Laine Café
Bread and Milk
The Lucky Star
Raw Lab
The Lord Nelson
The Prince Albert
The Great Eastern
The Prince George
Looking for pressies?
Oliver’s Brighton
Bluebelle and Co.
Want an interesting time?
Brighton Toy and Model Museum
Paint Pots Brighton
And that’s only half the story! Pop along and have a browse – it’s amazing how many shops and wonderful places there are to stop by!
For your next hair booking at The Point, call us or make an appointment here at our website! See you on Trafalgar Street soon! x
Autumn is here!
It’s now officially autumn, and this is also a great time to tell you all about our sustainable journey as an organic hairdresser.
In this post, we want to highlight two important campaigns that are running this month. You might want to get involved in them yourself!
And then we’ll tell you all about how at The Point we’re doing our bit, every day.
Recycling week by WRAP
Recycle Week is funded by DEFRA (amongst other organisations) and is Recycle Now’s flagship annual event. Recycle Now is part of an organisation called WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme).
RW a celebration of recycling in the UK. Basically, it encourages retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments, and the media to unite in one goal: to excite everyone into “recycling more of the right things, more often”.
This year’s theme: ‘Step It Up this Recycle Week’
We’re all doing our best, but at The Point we believe we can always step it up and do a little bit more! And that’s this year’s Recycle Week theme. Awesome.
Organic September – Soil Association
The second September event tackles climate change, diet related ill-health, and the extensive decline in wildlife. Organic September is a campaign to help raise awareness of the many benefits of organic food and farming.
The campaign’s strongest emphasis is on food, but The Point believes that organic hairdressers – hell, organic everything – can only be a good thing!
The Point’s journey to better sustainability
Like you, we’re on a sustainable journey. That means we see our efforts as ongoing and improvable.
Here are a few of the things we do at the salon to help reduce our impact on our little planet. We:
- recycle your hair (see below for how!)
- use compostable towels
- recycle the tin foil used for colouring hair
- recycle all paper used in the salon
- use organic products as much as we can (we’re hoping to only use 100% organic one day)
- recycle/repurpose PPE, waste colour, and chemicals (no chemicals down the sink, except what’s rinsed off when shampooing).
Keeping the miles low
To keep the mileage low, we like to use local companies where possible, to help us with these efforts where we can. They include:
As well as amazing national companies like:
Green Salon Collective (of which we’re a proud member)
A lot of the time, longer hair can be donated to make wigs. (In fact, we collect longer hair and send it to The Little Princess Trust, who make wigs and hair pieces for young cancer sufferers or young people experiencing hair loss for other reasons.)
But what about shorter hair?
Every time you visit the salon – whether you have long or short hair – we recycle your hair in a very exciting way.
Thanks to Green Salon Collective, your hair helps the global effort to reduce oil from our seas.
How? With amazing things called ‘booms’.
Green Salon Collective describe hair booms like this:
“Essentially, a hair boom is hair cuttings of any length or colour tightly packed into cotton or nylon tubes. When placed in either water or on the shores of beaches, these booms will stop oil from spreading, saving wildlife and the natural landscape.”
How amazing is that?
We also offer anyone to take their own hair cuttings home for composting!
We’re all in this together
There’s one final thing that can make a huge difference: transport. We’re so close to Brighton station and bus links, that you can easily take public transport to get to us. Not only does that reduce the carbon footprint of your haircut, you can avoid the expense of parking your car in Brighton!
Join our mission!
And we don’t want it to stop there. We’re continually finding ways to step up our mission. We want to be able to cut and colour your hair with minimal impact on the earth.
If you have any questions or ideas for us, we’d love to hear them!
Also, we’d love to hear your ideas about reusing, recycling, and repurposing.
So, if you want to get your hair cut or styled at an organic hairdresser that actively minimises their impact on the earth, book online here!
The Point lives in the heart of the North Laine, Brighton, and is a stone’s throw from Brighton Railway Station. That makes us perfect even if you live further afield, in places such as Worthing, Littlehampton, Hove, Shoreham, Hassocks, Burgess Hill, Newhaven, even London, Croydon, or Crawley.
The Point is an LGBTQ+ and Trans-Friendly salon, charging gender neutral prices. Have a look at what we do.